On Thursday, November 3, 2022 the first DUUG Meet-up by iO happened (DF22 was a conference). This evening was organized by my employer and I was interested in giving another presentation. Lately we've been working a lot on headless implementations at iO. We are also using Umbraco headless more often. That is why I gave a presentation about it together with my colleague Sem Snel. It was my third presentation in a month and a half.
You can download the Powerpoint slides here or view them below. The presentation is in Dutch.
After our presentation, my colleague Jeroen Visschers showed a first version of our community powered knowledge base for Umbraco headless.
You can visit it here: https://duug-headless.community-powered.io/.
Finally Ronald Barendse talked about the upcoming releases of Umbraco. The roadmap is very promising!
It was a pleasant evening and it was nice to talk a lot about different ways of working headless.
At iO we also share our knowledge at the tech_hub: https://techhub.iodigital.com/.